The importance of technology in aesthetics: Q&A with Molly Gaunt from Aesthetic Nurse Software


In May 2024, Hamilton Fraser announced we would be partnering with Aesthetic Nurse Software (ANS).

This strategic partnership aims to elevate standards and improve patient care within the aesthetics industry by combining Hamilton Fraser’s expertise in risk management with ANS’s award-winning software solutions. As part of this partnership, we are delighted to be welcoming Molly Gaunt to our speaker faculty for The Aesthetics Business Conference on 8 October 2024.

Molly joined ANS in 2021 and has supported over 2,000 practitioners nationwide in going paperless. Her knowledge and expertise in clinic management software have helped countless practitioners improve their processes and use technology to run compliant and successful clinics. Molly is a key member of the ANS team who recently won the Best Service and Solution Provider award at the Aesthetics Awards.

In her talk, she explores how software can help you keep accurate and insurance-compliant patient records and why this is so important for aesthetic practitioners. She covers what documentation you must complete to make sure you’ve got sufficient evidence for claims and why paperless solutions are the way forward.

We caught up with her to find out more.

Hamilton Fraser: Can you start by telling us a little about the focus of your talk at the Aesthetics Business Conference?

Molly Gaunt: The main focus of my presentation is on the importance of software in aesthetic clinics, emphasising how it can significantly save time. I also cover the compliance side of things so I  cover the benefits of using software for maintaining detailed patient records, complete with time-stamped before-and-after photos and preloaded medical and consent forms from the manufacturers that aid practitioners in managing their compliance obligations effectively.

Hamilton Fraser: Before and after photos are crucial from a compliance point of view, aren’t they?

Molly Gaunt: Absolutely. Before-and-after photos are all stored within the software, so they're all time and date-stamped as well. They can also be uploaded, so if you've got more of a fancier camera, say, you can take them on that and then upload them from your device, but you can also take them directly from the software as well. We've got a camera plug-in within the software where they can upload photos directly as well.

Another huge thing is how all this data is stored. You can’t be keeping sensitive images like patient photos next to pictures of your weekend BBQ on your phone—that's just not safe or professional. Our software makes sure that everything is stored securely on protected servers, everything’s password-protected, and it’s all compliant with data protection laws.

Hamilton Fraser: How does Aesthetic Nurse Software help practitioners maintain accurate and insurance-compliant patient records?

Molly Gaunt: The Aesthetic Nurse Software really helps keep everything on track with patient records. It's all about making sure that everything is super precise and up to the insurance standards. We've got these medical questionnaires and consent forms straight from the manufacturers. These aren't just any forms; they ask all the right questions so the practitioner feels totally confident right from the get-go. It’s all about making sure the patient knows what’s happening, understanding all the risks and benefits, and then they can sign off informed and ready.

Then, there’s the whole note-taking part, which is a breeze with this software. We’ve set up these snippet templates so practitioners don’t miss covering essential points that the insurance folks are looking out for. It’s like you’ve got these predetermined slots where you can just slot in the specific details discussed with the patient, making sure that all critical areas are covered and making each note detailed and compliant.

Everything gets dated and timestamped, too, and once those notes are saved, they’re locked in. If there's a need to change anything later, practitioners can add a retrospective note to clarify, which keeps everything transparent and above board.

We often get calls from stressed practitioners worried about insurance claims, and we always reassure them, “Don’t worry, it’s all stored securely. You’ve done everything right.” It’s all about giving them peace of mind, knowing they can always provide necessary documentation effortlessly. Our software can just export everything needed straight to the insurance company. It's a total game-changer and really helps smooth out what can be a really tense part of the job.

Hamilton Fraser: What are the major advantages of going paperless for aesthetic clinics?

Molly Gaunt: Transitioning to paperless systems like ours not only enhances efficiency but also improves compliance and data security. Practitioners can access patient records instantly, reducing administrative burdens and allowing more time for patient care. Additionally, paperless solutions offer better data protection and help clinics meet stringent data privacy regulations.

When clinics switch from paper to a system like ours, it's like night and day. I've talked to loads of practitioners who've been doing things the old-school way for 20 years, and once they make the switch, they're just blown away. They keep saying, “I can't believe I was doing it like that for so long.”

With a paperless system, everything’s at your fingertips. You can pull up any patient record instantly—no more digging through files. It cuts down so much of the admin burden, letting practitioners focus more on what they're really there for—patient care.

And it's not just about being faster; it's also about being safer. Going paperless massively improves compliance and data security. Clinics have to keep up with strict data privacy regulations, and paperless systems make that easier. Plus, there's the environmental angle—less paper, less waste!

Honestly, it's also about the little things. If  you’re trying to schedule appointments, you're not going back and forth over social media or phone, trying to match times and scribble down notes. With a digital booking system linked directly to your social media, patients can see when you're available and book their slot, and all the details are right there in the system. It just streamlines everything so smoothly.

And think about the paper mess—files everywhere, trying to pull up a patient's last treatment details from a mountain of folders. Now, imagine just typing a patient's name into the system, and boom, you’ve got their full medical history, all past notes and treatments right there. It's not only efficient but also adds a touch of professionalism you just can't get with old-school paper files.

Plus, the personal touches—you can keep little notes about your patients, like someone mentioning it's their wedding day. Next time they come in, you can actually remember to congratulate them. That personal connection is gold in our business, and technology helps make it happen without you having to keep all those details in your head. It’s just a smarter, safer, and more personal way to run a clinic.

Clinicians get to do more of what they love—treat patients, not drown in paperwork. It’s really a game-changer for everyone involved.

Hamilton Fraser: What other aspects of technology have you seen impact the day-to-day running of the clinics you work with?  

Molly Gaunt:  One of the big game-changers has been the automated reminders. These are not just any reminders; they’re smart, personalised messages that go out to patients about their appointments or when they're due for their next treatment, like Botox or skin peels. And what that does is it keeps the clinic at the forefront of the patient's mind. They might be looking in the mirror, thinking they're due soon, and then there's the reminder.

And it's not just about keeping up with treatments. These reminders help boost patient retention massively, which, of course, plays into clinic profitability. Patients appreciate the nudge; it shows the clinic cares and makes them much more likely to book again.

Then you’ve got this integration of different functions into a single system, which is a big relief for practitioners. It reduces errors like nobody’s business and increases the time they can spend with patients instead of fussing over files and paperwork. We're also stepping into managing stock and retail with the same system, sending out reminders when it's time to repurchase products they use, like moisturisers. Imagine how handy that is, both for the clinic's sales and for keeping the patients happy and engaged.

Clinics have become more streamlined, more proactive, and just overall a lot more effective at what they do best—caring for their patients.

Hamilton Fraser: Given the advancements in technology, how do you see the role of software evolving in the aesthetics industry?

Molly Gaunt: The role of technology in the aesthetics industry is massive and just keeps growing. With all these advancements, especially in AI and software, things are really kicking off. I mean, look at the size of some of these new devices and what they can do! But it's not just the hardware; the software solutions are something else. Nowadays, clinics have these comprehensive booking systems where everything is just a click away—you pop in your availability, integrate it with your social media, and bam, you're all set.

What's really game-changing is the automation and AI. You can have a tool running quietly in the background during consultations, picking up everything said and seamlessly turning it into clinical notes. It’s quite something! This tech not only saves a huge amount of time but also makes sure no critical information is missed, which is pretty crucial in our line of work.

And it doesn’t stop there. We’re talking about major integrations across various platforms—marketing, accounting, and even payment solutions like Klarna and Clearpay. Remember how we used to manually move things between systems like ANS and MailChimp? Now, these software communicate directly, so no fuss is needed. Everything is streamlined. You input data once, and it's all synced up—saving time and cutting down on errors.

So, in a nutshell, technology’s role is not just about making our jobs easier; it’s about enhancing the way we connect with and serve our clients, making every interaction more efficient and effective. It's a thrilling time to be in this industry, and honestly, I believe this is just the beginning.

Hamilton Fraser: What advice would you give to clinics hesitant about adopting new technologies?

Molly Gaunt: I understand the hesitation but recommend taking the leap. Our software, for example, offers comprehensive support and training to enable smooth transitions. We handle everything from data migration to staff training, making the shift as seamless as possible. Embracing technology not only simplifies operations but also significantly enhances clinic capabilities and compliance.

Hamilton Fraser: Finally, What are you looking forward to about the Aesthetics Business Conference?

Molly Gaunt: I’m really looking forward to it! We’ve been part of it for a couple of years now—Max has even spoken at the last two conferences, which is fantastic. It’s just amazing to be invited to speak alongside such great doctors and practitioners. There’s something special about sharing that stage and, of course, catching up with our practitioners. We talk to them on the phone all year long, and finally, putting a face to a voice is just great. It’s not just about the business; it's about connecting personally and hearing directly from them, which really enriches our relationships.

Then, catching up with industry colleagues, like the guys at Hamilton Fraser and all the other exhibitors, is another highlight. It’s this big gathering of everyone who’s anyone in the industry, which is always exciting.

The conference is a fantastic opportunity to dive into areas of the industry we don’t usually get to see in our day-to-day lives. Whether it’s the latest in insurance or business strategies, there’s always something new to learn. It’s going to be a really insightful day, and honestly, I’m just really excited about the whole thing.

Read ANS’s guest blog, ‘Is your record keeping compliant with best practices?’ for more advice on record-keeping compliance, and how adopting advanced digital solutions can help aesthetic practitioners maintain thorough, secure, and compliant records in an increasingly regulated sector.

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