How to get started in aesthetics: A conversation with Julie Scott


Ahead of her talk on ‘How to get started in aesthetics’ at The Aesthetics Business Conference on 8 October, 2024, we chatted with nurse practitioner Julie Scott.

Hamilton Fraser: What inspired you to consider a career in aesthetic medicine?

Julie Scott: I was inspired to pursue a career in aesthetic medicine because of my background in plastic surgery nursing, where I saw how much of a difference aesthetic procedures can make in people's lives. I witnessed firsthand how these treatments boost self-esteem and improve body image, transforming not just appearances but also mental well-being and overall happiness. Moving into aesthetic medicine felt like a natural step for me, giving me the chance to work independently while continuing to help people feel more confident in their own skin. I love how this field combines creative artistry with technical precision, allowing me to use my medical skills to enhance people's appearance and boost their self-confidence.

HF: How do you feel your background as a nurse has benefited you in the aesthetics industry?

JS: My experience in plastic surgery nursing provided me with invaluable insights and skills that seamlessly transitioned into the aesthetics field. It's given me a solid medical foundation and a compassionate approach that prioritises my patients’ well-being. I connect deeply with my patients, really understand their concerns, and make sure they feel supported and well-informed throughout their aesthetic journey with me. As a nurse, I bring a holistic approach to aesthetics, integrating my medical expertise with a focus on enhancing both the physical appearance and overall well-being of my patients.

HF: What were the biggest challenges you faced when you were starting out in aesthetics, and what advice do you have for others?

JS: When I first started in aesthetics, I encountered challenges like working independently, limited training options, and being a minority in the field. It was also tough grappling with self-doubt. My advice for others facing similar hurdles is to seek mentors and connect with peers who can offer support and guidance. Invest in learning opportunities that align with your goals, and embrace your unique perspective—it can be a real asset.

HF: How do you avoid feelings of isolation as an independent aesthetic practitioner?

JS: I proactively seek opportunities to connect with peers and mentors in the industry. Despite being naturally introverted, I push myself out of my comfort zone by attending conferences and networking events. Over the years, I've cultivated a trusted network of colleagues whom I consider my tribe—they are not only trusted professionals but also friends whom I can rely on for support and collaboration.

HF: Why is it important to keep your registration with relevant industry bodies?

JS: Maintaining registration with industry bodies is important to me because it signifies my dedication to upholding professional standards and staying informed about advancements in aesthetic medicine. It's not just about compliance; it's about continuously improving my practice and ensuring that my patients receive the highest quality of care. Being part of these organisations also connects me with a community of like-minded professionals, providing support and opportunities for growth in my career.

HF: Some people find it challenging to run a business. Having come from the NHS, how have you developed your business mindset?

JS: Over my 20-year journey in aesthetics, I've evolved from being solely a caregiver to embracing the role of a businesswoman. It was clear early on that I couldn't do it all alone. Seeking advice from business coaches and mentors helped me identify my strengths and where I needed support. Excelling in customer care became a passion, always keeping my patients' best interests at the heart of everything I do. Learning to set boundaries has been essential, ensuring a balanced approach that integrates my medical expertise with business acumen. My husband Matthew, with his sharp business acumen, has been instrumental in guiding and supporting my success every step of the way.

HF: What are your thoughts on finding the right training, as it can be a minefield? Any advice?

JS: Finding the right training in aesthetics can feel overwhelming with so many options available. I would recommend you start by prioritising accredited training providers that offer hands-on experience and are taught by experienced practitioners. It's helpful to ask for recommendations from colleagues you trust and choose courses that align with your career goals. Remember, it's okay to take your time to master each skill—rushing can lead to frustration.

HF: Did you develop a business plan, and what key elements did you include?

JS: I didn't start out with a formal business plan; my journey was guided more by intuition and a straightforward approach. However, in recent years, I have placed a strong emphasis on developing my business through strategic planning. I always aim to advance my business by developing comprehensive business plans and utilising strategic tools to meet my goals. Key strategies I've implemented include expanding my professional activities to teaching, writing, and presenting. These ventures not only diversify my role but also enrich my practice and allow me to connect more deeply with others in the field.

I have recently developed a mentorship program that integrates the key business elements I have learned over the years. This program focuses on imparting strategic planning, goal setting, and practical business skills. By setting clear objectives and actively pursuing new opportunities, I have been able to enhance my professional presence and impact. This structured approach has allowed me to remain adaptable and responsive to the ever-evolving landscape of our industry

HF: How do you market yourself?

JS: I never aimed to actively market myself; instead, I focused on fostering real, organic growth. By providing the best care possible, I let my patients' reviews and recommendations do the talking. I believe that when you genuinely care for and look after your patients, they'll naturally spread the word and help your practice grow. Additionally, I use social media as a key form of marketing and communication. Through my social media platforms, I engage with my patients by guiding them, listening to their concerns, and empowering them to make informed decisions with confidence. By consistently providing informative and educational content, I attract patients who value safety and knowledge within the aesthetics industry, leading them to naturally seek out my services.

HF: What are your top tips for growing an aesthetic practice?

JS: My top tips for growing an aesthetic practice are all about staying true to yourself and focusing on what matters most. Be authentic and know your niche so you can really shine in your specialty. Understand who your ideal patient is and speak directly to them. You can't be great at everything, so don't hesitate to bring in people who excel in areas where you might not. Surround yourself with like-minded practitioners and find your tribe—it's invaluable. Stay focused on your own journey and avoid getting distracted by what others are doing. Always keep your patients at the heart of your decisions, and no matter how successful you become, remember to stay humble.

Julie Scott will be speaking at The Aesthetics Business Conference on Tuesday, 8 October 2024, at The Royal College of Physicians on how to get started in aesthetics.

For further reading relevant to this article, see:

How to become an aesthetic practitioner

How to create an aesthetic business plan

Training and CPD in aesthetics

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