Five key aspects to aesthetic business success

Press release

Ahead of the Aesthetics Business Conference 2024, Hamilton Fraser looks at five key aspects of running a successful aesthetics clinic

With a legacy spanning almost three decades, Hamilton Fraser has been insuring aesthetic practitioners and clinics throughout the evolution of the sector. A key part of the company’s ethos is supporting its customers as business owners as well as clinicians.

The Aesthetics Business Conference (ABC), now in its seventh year, was born out of this philosophy and is centred on promoting both clinical and business excellence. This year, Hamilton Fraser has identified five key areas crucial for safe and ethical practice and, ultimately, clinic success: business mastery, regulation, safe practice, reputation, and psychological considerations.

These themes will be reflected at ABC 2024 in association with Success in Aesthetic Business (SIAB). Taking place on Tuesday 8 October 2024, at the iconic Royal College of Physicians, London, the conference provides an invaluable opportunity for practitioners and clinic managers to learn and network with some of the most influential names in the aesthetics business and connect with like-minded professionals.

Business mastery

ABC 2024 will see The Apprentice winner, Dr Leah Totton, lead an entrepreneur masterclass, sharing insights from her journey over the last 11 years. We spoke to Leah about her career in aesthetics and the lessons she’s learned as an entrepreneur. You can read the interview in our article, ‘Life as an entrepreneur: A conversation with Dr Leah Totton’.

For those entering the industry, nurse practitioner Julie Scott will explore how to get started in aesthetics. We chatted to Julie ahead of her talk and you can read our article, ‘How to get started in aesthetics: A conversation with Julie Scott’ for more insights.

Dr Priya Chadha will discuss work-life balance, an essential component for sustainable success. And, of course, no business can be successful without getting a grasp on its finances and so finance expert Veronica Donnelly will delve into the intricacies of tax, and VAT, to make sure you are financially savvy.


Regulation is at the top of the agenda when it comes to making the industry safer for patients and practitioners alike, with Professor David Sines from the Joint Council for Cosmetic Practitioners (JCCP) providing a legislation update and hosting a Q&A session. We interviewed David ahead of ABC 2024 and you can read our article, ‘Regulation speculation: An update from Professor David Sines’ for more information.

Safe practice

Having safe practice is at the core of a successful aesthetics clinic. Nicola Bowtell from Hamilton Fraser will explore the topic of insurance, highlighting best practices in patient and practitioner safety. Technology’s role in safety will be discussed by Molly Gaunt from Aesthetic Nurse Software, who Hamilton Fraser have also partnered with for 2024, exploring the latest advancements that enhance clinic operations. This section will provide practical advice to implement immediately in your practice.

Practitioner and patient safety are also top priorities, and this year, ABC has partnered with Menopause in Aesthetics to address safeguarding in the field. A dedicated panel including Eddie Hooker, Professor David Sines, Dr Shirin Lakhani, Vicky Eldridge and Dan Huxley will discuss various aspects of safeguarding, making sure we cover this critical topic comprehensively.


Building and maintaining a strong reputation is vital. Dr Vincent Wong will discuss patient selection and the power of saying no, emphasising the importance of ethical practice. For more insights from Vincent, listen to our recent podcast on gender and inclusivity in aesthetics.

Raffi Eghiayan will stress the importance of continuous training to stay ahead in the field. Dr Rupert Critchley will highlight the significance of thorough consultations in building trust and achieving successful outcomes.

Psychological considerations

Understanding the psychological aspects of aesthetics is essential for patient satisfaction. Claire Newman, a Registered Mental Health Nurse, will discuss identifying Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD). Dr Tristan Mehta will explore patient motivations and managing expectations, to maximise realistic and achievable outcomes while Vanessa Bird will provide strategies to make sure your patients leave happy and satisfied with their results.

Why attend?

As well as earning over eight hours of CPD, delegates will be given learning materials to take away and have the opportunity to ask industry experts questions, get first-hand advice and chat with exhibitors showcasing a wide range of products and services.

Tickets for the event are now live on Eventbrite and cost £115. The event runs from 9 am until 6.30 pm.

Here’s what previous delegates have had to say:

“I would recommend ABC to anyone in the industry. Most people forget the business side of aesthetics, and lots could benefit.” — 2023 delegate

“I was completely new and fresh to the industry and had no clue how to start and what to do. Attending ABC was the best decision I made for myself and my business, learning exactly what I needed to do to be successful.” — 2022 delegate

Eddie Hooker, founder and CEO of Hamilton Fraser, said: “The Aesthetics Business Conference 2024 will offer delegates business support, advice, and expertise to arm them with the tools they need whether they are just starting out or are running an existing aesthetics business. Buying a ticket to ABC is an investment in the future of your business, and we look forward to welcoming you there.”

Tickets are selling fast. For more information and to secure your ticket and support your business success, visit

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